Field | Type | Description |
craft | Craft company object | |
soleadifyId | String | Company internal ID to Soleadify |
supplierTypes | [String!] | Indicator of whether the company is a manufacturer, distributor or service provider |
displayName | String | Commonly used name of the company |
legalNames | [String!] | The company's primary legal entity name, together with variations and historical legal names |
commercialNames | [String!] | Commercial names by which the company is known |
numLocations | Int | Number of physical locations identified for the company |
locations | List of all the known company locations | |
mainAddress | Location information about the HQ | |
employeeCount | Integer | Number of people employed by the company |
estimatedRevenue | Bigint | Company yearly revenue |
shortDescription | String | A short description of the business activities of the company |
longDescription | String | A long description of the business activities of the company |
tags | [String!] | Company attributes related to company's activities |
mainBusinessCategory | String | Primary business category of the company |
mainIndustry | String | Primary industry of activity for the company |
mainSector | String | The main sector of activity of the business |
primaryPhone | String | The primary phone number associated with the company |
phoneNumbers | [String!] | List of other phone numbers associated with the company |
primaryEmail | String | The primary email address associated with the company |
emails | [String!] | Company generic emails such as info@, contact@, linked to the company domain. |
otherEmails | [String!] | Other company emails without generic names linked to the company domain. |
homepage | String | URL of the main company website |
websiteDomain | String | The domain name of the main company website |
websiteTld | String | Top-level-domain of the company domain |
websiteLanguageCode | String | Main language identified on the company website |
String | The company's Facebook URL | |
String | The company's Twitter URL | |
String | The company's Instagram URL | |
String | The company's LinkedIn URL | |
iosAppURL | String | iOS App Store URL |
androidAppURL | String | Google Play Store URL |
youtube | String | The company's YouTube URL |
cms | String | The content management system used by the company |
alexaRank | String | Alexa Ranking of the website with values between 1 (highest traffic) and 1,000,000 (lowest traffic). |
technologies | [String!] | Types of web technologies that are used by the company website and public assets |
naicsCodes2017 | [String!] | NAICS 2017 classification code for the company (5-Digit) |
naceCodesRev2 | [String!] | NACE classification code for the company |
ncciCodes281 | [String!] | NCCI classification code for the company (4-Digit) |
sicCodes | [String!] | SIC classification codes for the company (4-Digit) |
sicsIndustry | String | The SASB Sustainable Industry Classification Scheme (SICS) Industry of the company |
sicsSubector | String | The SASB Sustainable Industry Classification Scheme (SICS) Subsector of the company |
sicsSector | String | The SASB Sustainable Industry Classification Scheme (SICS) Sector of the company |
ibcInsurance | [String!] | IBC Mapping, 5 levels deep for a company |
createdAt | String | UTC Date and time when the company profile was added |
lastUpdatedAt | String | UTC Date and time when the company profile was updated |
Last updated